Grandma and Yeye came for the Valentine weekend. They had planned to stay for just a couple of days. Saturday night (Feb. 15), the white stuff started to fall from the sky. By Sunday, the ground was covered with that white power as high as I could stretch. They were quite content to stay with me for the extra time. By Monday, what they originally called snow flurries became one of the top five storms in history for the area. The following are pictures my Yeye took. Digging out was not at all an easy job. My Dad and Mom spent many hours doing so in the next couple of days!
We did a lot of fun things in this weekend with two extra days! Before it snowed Grandma and Yeye took me to their favorite Dim Sum place for some good food. They say that they can not get it in their home town in Tennessee. We read a lot of books. Sometimes I tried to read by myself, but I have to say that I enjoyed listening to other people reading them to me a lot more, including Yauyau and his fiancé Aunt Elizabeth.
is something they do not like me to do, but I know what I am doing. It gives me a
certain thrill when I climb up to stand on a stool! I am always interested in
finding out how fast Grandma and YeYe can react when they see me doing that!
new blanket was brought to me from Tennessee. It was made for me by Grandma and
Yeye's neighbor who is also a grandma!
do you like this hat? It is a bit too big for me now. I have to adjust it all
the time.
It's time to cheer! There seems to be a lot of things worthwhile to cheer in my
Yeye took some videos, they are collected below to show you what I can do NOW!
1) Yes, I can walk very well now!
3) My dad chasing me around the table
4) Hiding under the table is another trick of mine
7) My dad likes everything neat and clean, I do not like wrinkles on my ground cloth neither.