The 'Sixties' may have been the most important years of J & T's life - they certainly had the biggest changes in their lives during this decade. It started when Tom went from Taiwan to the US in 1962 and then he married Janice in 1965. Margaret joined them in 1969---. They shared in many happy events during those years in the US, but the crescendo certainly came in Taiwan during the last summer of the decade!

  Wow, they were so young!

   The wedding party.

  Janice in 1965!

   Tom at Taida, 1961.

   Chemistry Class of 1961 at Taida

   Tom with Dean in 1962.

   Tom's gradualation, 1961



   Ed & Kai, 1960

   Taida in 1962 -notice that there were NO cars in the street.

Margaret was less than two months old when she took the long trip to Taiwan, she was an instant hit there!

   With Yeye.

   With Naina feeding her solid food!

   With Ed.

   With Kai.

  Margaret with Raindeer

   Janice with her Chinese dress and special hairdo

We visited:        Green-lake

   Sun Moon-Lake Aborigines dancers

  New Park in Taipei.

   On the beach

   University Pond