People --- some reflections
These are some of the people working for the Office of Vice Chancellor (VC).
Certainly we have benefited from their help and support. We want them to know
that we both appreciate them. This picture was taken outside the university
staff canteen, where we had just finished our lunch together.
have participated in all kinds of ceremonies in Cameroon, from engagement
parties to wakes for ex-officials. But we missed a wedding ceremony. We almost
got a chance to see this couple's wedding, as they were planning to get married
in May. However, they decided to postpone the ceremony until after the rainy
season in October. He, Musenja, works as the Executive Assistant for VC.
and she is an accountant.
immediate neighbor for the 10 month period was a French couple. She is an animal
lover. With her in this picture, you should be able to find a dog, a rabbit, and
a parrot.
house in our compound is the home of Grandmother Effange. Her picture was shown
earlier. Living with her is her granddaughter Elvira with her two children. This
picture was taken in the hospital when we went to visit Elvira after she
delivered her second baby - a boy.
works for the stockroom in the Chemistry Department. He helped Tom quite a bit
when Tom started his practicals for the students. This picture was taken with
his wife at our farewell party.
This picture was taken at the last faculty meeting of the Chemistry Department.
Only one faculty of the Department was absent.
are two Commonwealth professors on campus, this is Professor Oniberi from
Nigeria at the new computer center.
Another Commonwealth professor is Prof. Ahuja who teaches accounting. This
picture was taken in our home. Susan works for Prof. Ahuja. The four of us went
regularly to Limbe for roast fish, and sometimes to visit the beach.
is Limbe beach - one of our favorite places. Tom was the only one who would go
for a swim every time.