
   Just east of our living compound is Long Street. It goes from North to South. We travel past this corner daily to go to the University. This picture was taken, looking south, when the road was being paved. The concrete building is a Hotel. Other small huts are stores, selling a variety of items, from light bulbs to fresh tomatoes.

   Less than one half a block north of the picture above is this garbage dump right beside the street we travel daily. Cameroonians have not yet paid much attention to where their garbage goes. Notice the couple of goats in the picture.

   You see animals everywhere, chickens and goats are often seen on the garbage dump. This beauty is, however, one of our French neighbor's pets.

   There are a number of roast fish stores, they only sell at night for a few hours.

   On the south side of our compound is a big yard and farm. We have shown you of the pictures of that area before. This picture is near the west side of our compound - a public high school in the wilderness.

   This is the road on the west side, which goes into the hills along the Mountain.

   Our compound gate opens to the north side. This is the scene from the gate. Mount Cameroon towers right there in front of our view. The cloud in this picture is at about 5000 feet, and the peak in the picture is above 13,000 feet. More than half of the time, the mountain is hiding behind clouds and we can not see it. It is now becoming greener as the rainy season started recently.