Banqiao Reunion 2011
In 2009, the Banqiao Junior High Class Number 6 had its first reunion in the Canadian Rockies. You can see some pictures from that trip on this website. This year, the plan was much bigger. The Junior High School classmates wanted to go back to the campus in Banqiao, Taiwan, where we first met one another some sixty years ago. And indeed, we did it! We will show you some of the pictures here to demonstrate to you what an unusual class this one was and is!
On October 12th, we met first in a hotel conference room to renew our friendship, to recognize the old gestures, and to introduce some spouses whom we had never met before. We certainly wanted to clarify the plans for the next couple of days
Then, in late afternoon, we gathered at a restaurant with a big round table, sitting 18 participants. We ate, laughed, joked, toasted, took pictures, and, skyped some classmates in the US. An art piece was presented to one of our classmates, and we even sang some songs just like we used to sing.
Meeting organizers
Dinner hosts
the boys!
From left: 陳家楨, 杜淑民, 莊岳, 孫乃競, 陶世健, 鐵大昌, 田貴清, 黃道行, 周武修, 郭挽華, 范葵, 王之道
at the dinner!