Korup National Park --- our hike in the rain forest
The original posts for the wood hanging bridge are being replaced by concrete ones at this
present time. We had to take a ferry boat to get to the other side where
the national park is located. There is no mechanical equipment of any kind in
the park.
is a sign to show that you are now in the park.
map shows the villages involved in the park. Relocation of some villagers was
necessary when the inner park was established. Also necessary were the steps
taken to
train the villagers how to survive without resorting back to their prior dependence on
the killing of wild animals.
are four camps on the park ground, with hiking trails connecting all of them. It
requires three or four days to see the whole place. We took only the south
end Mana Water Fall trail, with a total hiking distance of about 13km (~8 miles).
the rain forest, this is a typical scene. Everything is very wet - even without the
is the Mana Water Fall. There is a tremendous amount of water going through the narrow
guide was wearing a pair of plastic sandals, which is what Cameroonians use for hiking shoes,
as well as being their favorite running shoes for mountain races.
four soaked hikers just finished their 13 km hike. The two geologist from UB
were kind enough to offer their help to take us for this trip, which included
a six hour drive from Buea on mostly gravel roads.
end of our hike, we invited our guide, Chief Joseph, to have a drink with us. He
brought his wife along. We had a good chat! It was mandatory that we hire a
guide - it was also necessary, as it is very easy to get lost in the forest.