CDC (Cameroon Development Corporation)
Rubber trees with cups for collecting latex.
Latex in the cups are collected to store in the shelters like this one for truck
pickup. Believe it or not, latex can rot and smell terribly. All latex produced
in Cameroon is for export, there is not a single company which uses this natural
resource locally.
trees and coconut trees are scattered around here every where and become a
familiar scene.
on the tree - their juice can be good and sweet if you can find some boys with
know-how to pick them for you.
nuts collected for extracting oil, which is mainly used for domestic purposes.
trees! With coffee and tea, Cameroon certainly produces good stuff for western
One mile
from where we live, the tea farms stretch for miles along the gravel roads,
employing many people, many times the whole family. The CDC builds houses for
it's workers. As you can see on the sign, AIDS is also it's concern.
are another important product for CDC.