Bamenda Trip II
The Bamenda area has many different types of scenery. On the east side of the "ring road", you can see rocky formations quite different from the west side.
We visited the Fon's Palace in Oku, it took us quite a bit of effort to find the place. Cameroonians do not believe in signs. The regular way is to use a guide.
This picture was taken with permission. This is the daughter and grandson of the
Fon of Oku. People here do not like pictures to be taken by strangers. There is
a certain distrust somehow of outside people. Once they know you, they cannot
stop asking you to take their picture.
in the area must work very hard in this rocky mountain area. As you can see,
they must clear the trees and remove rocks before they can plant anything! We
were told that the tree stumps are left in place to prevent erosion during the
rainy season.
crater lake, Lake Oku is considered sacred and direct access to the water is not
allowed. A Bird Sanctuary has been established all around the lake. It took us
quite a while to find this place. Leaving was even harder than getting in, as we
followed someone's advice to take a shortcut! It was unbelievable as you can see
through our car'swinshield:
is a third crater lake, Lake Awing, near Bamenda, just north of Santa, a small
village. The Mountain behind is Mt. Lefo. A resort was started perhaps in 1999,
but clearly it has been abandoned for the moment.
do you like this cute "BALD"?