
I love swimming! Yeye told me that I am very good at it, too!

We swim in many places. Regularly, we swim at out Arlington neighborhood swimming pool. We took swimming classes there when we were younger, and we now belong to the Swim Team. It is the place where we learned all the strokes, and where our coach helps us to swim faster. It is also the place we go to swim routinely, almost daily in the summer, and where we compete with others in tournaments.

When we go to visit Grandma and Yeye, they have a few places for us to swim. Their local pool is open all summer. We can get there by walking a couple of blocks. While it is not a full size competition pool, it is always fun to play there. We can also go to the ocean as it takes only five minutes or so of driving time. While the waves are generally large and tough to swim in,  it is always fun to surf and to jump over them. Finally, there is a state-operated water park about 45 min away. There are some water slides and other water play-stuff. We had some great fun there - other places can't compete.

Pictures below can give you a glimpse of my activities at those places:




Another activity in my after school schedule is Judo. I take Judo a couple of times a week. It is not only a good regular exercise for me, it gives me opportunities to train my agility and my maneuvering ability.

In February, we had a competition with others in the area. I participated too. It was a Saturday morning. All my supporters came to cheer for me. They arrived at the gym prompyly at 9 am. They sat there and waited and waited, while we tried to warm up and warm up again. Finally my turn came up. It took only minutes for me to throw my opponent. And it was over. Yeye did not have enough time to take a good picture!



  At the start ...

  ...in the middle...

   The "Win" signal

Every year, we try to spend some time at Grandma and Yeye's place. While we are very interested to go there, somehow it is not easy! It is even harder for us to meet our cousins there. In March, we did get a chance to get there, and, of couse, Yeye wanted to take some pictures of us together. You can see that we were very happy even just to sit together and to play outside together:

In the middle of August, when we were with Grandma and Yeye, they took us to visit the Air Mobility Command Museum—the only museum dedicated to airlift and air refueling history. It is located in Dover, DE, not far from where they live. When we were sitiing inside a cargo plane, Yeye told us that after the Japanese surrendered in 1945, he and his family boarded a similar cargo plane to fly from Chongqing to Wuhan. Since there were not many seats, his Mother let Yeye and the other children (two others at the time, one was Uncle Dean and the other a sister who later died) sleep on the floor with some blankets. Both Meghan and I were amazed that he had that kind of experience.

  enjoying breakfast on the porch

  seats on the cargo plane

  This is one cargo plane!

    I like it!

Before school starts, Mom usualy comes to help us shop for our school cloths in Delaware. This year we had a fashion show:


       How do you like them?